4 Summer Safety Tips For Lone Workers

Being a lone worker can be a huge reward but also very challenging at times. While there are many benefits to working by yourself, there are also many risks you take by doing so. These risks can include your health and safety. It’s critical to be careful and take precautions while working. However, when you are doing so alone, there are extra steps you may want to take to ensure a positive and safe experience. During summer, it’s especially important to pay close attention to your health, wellbeing, and safety as a lone worker. In this article, we will look into the ways you can prioritize your health during the summertime heat and how to keep you safe and sound all season long.  

Healthy habits 

Remembering to stay hydrated and have a nutritious meal during your break is one of the best ways to energize and strengthen your body naturally. Dehydration can lead to many problems that are unsafe, especially when you are by yourself. It's even more crucial during the summer months when the heat and temperatures rise. Dizziness, headaches, heat stress, and muscle cramps can all transpire due to a lack of hydration.  

When it comes to food, what you choose will make a large impact on your day and your workflow. Eating junk food can also cause your body to not feel or perform at its best. There are many cheap and quick fixes to making your meal healthier. For starters, bringing your own homemade meal is one of the best ways to achieve this. Instead of bringing a microwaveable frozen entree or ordering fast food, consider meal prepping the night before. Whether it’s a healthy sandwich, stir fry, or salad, a homemade plate can give you the energy you need to finish the job safely and positively.  

Appropriate clothing 

Clothing and accessories can be a huge factor in keeping your body safe while doing your job. If you find yourself exposed to direct sunlight throughout the day, consider wearing a light long-sleeved shirt to decrease your risk of sun exposure. Your skin will thank you immensely for protecting your body from harmful rays.  

Accessories too can get in the way while working, which is why it’s important to be careful about which ones you wear on the job. For example, you should leave any sort of jewelry at home. This includes even the most practical of pieces like a watch. Not only is this a smart idea to forgo these items on the job site so that you don’t lose anything with sentimental value, but you also don’t want them to get caught on anything while you’re working. 

Similarly, if you regularly wear glasses, consider switching to daily disposable contacts to avoid your glasses slipping or sliding on your face in the summer heat. You’ll still be able to maintain perfect vision without worrying about any discomfort that your eyewear may bring throughout your shift.  

Stay prepared 

When you are a lone worker, you want to prepare for whatever may come. It’s never a bad idea to keep specific items on hand with you that are easy to access. For example, a great item to have that should be accessible to you at all times is a first aid kit. Packing your kit with key items such as band-aids, antibiotic ointment, insect repellent, sunscreen, and other health-related items is a wonderful way to be ready for any situation that arises. Another important item is an emergency kit which you can assemble yourself with essentials such as extra clothing and spare phone chargers.  

It’s also essential to be aware of the different workplace safety tips and procedures at the venue you are working at. Before your shift, make sure to locate all of your emergency exits and understand the protocols to follow in case of an emergency. You should always prioritize staying safe on the job, so make yourself aware of any additional safety procedures to prevent injuries and illness.  

Prep your body 

It’s imperative to prep your body before doing any kind of work. If you typically do a lot of manual labor throughout your work shift, taking a couple of extra minutes to stretch before you start can make a huge difference in how your body feels and reacts. Stretching not only helps improve your range of motion but also decreases your risk of injury when actively working.  

Another great way to prepare yourself is by making sure that you get enough sleep the night before. Tiredness and fatigue can be extremely dangerous when you are working by yourself, so ensuring that your body gets proper rest is necessary for your overall wellness.  

Embrace the freedom 

There are many freedoms to being a lone worker, which is one of the most rewarding aspects of the job. As exciting as it can be, it’s also extremely vital that you take care of yourself while working. Practicing and prioritizing your safety and health while on the job is one of the most important things that you can do for yourself and the company you work for. 

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