Following all the Ghouls!


We hope this year’s tricks and treats are some of the best, but that means taking a little extra care to stay safe out there. Whether you’re hunting for candy, scaring your neighbors, casting spells, or setting off fireworks, there are some things you can do to keep the curses to a minimum. We’ve put together a few important safety tips to help you navigate the dark and haunted streets this year!


With so many people out on All Hallows Eve, you must be even more mindful of the street when you cross it for cars, trucks, and low-flying monsters of the night. Vampires especially. Always go down one side of the street before you cross, and then come back up the other. This is an ancient safety technique.If you’re going to be driving at night, take your time! Go slow, keep an eye out for gremlins in the street, and be as cautious as possible.


Houses that have the candy look like they have the candy. You can’t know what’s lurking in the shadows at the houses with the lights off, the curtains drawn, and no pumpkins outside. It’s not worth taking the risk, and it’s safer to stick to the streets, in a group, and try to stay with your fellow tricksters.If you want more tips for navigating those monster-filled nighttime streets, check out this link! Once the tricking and treating is done, setting off fireworks at Halloween is a traditional activity for many people, but can quickly become dangerous unless proper precautions are taken. Whether you’re setting them off yourself, or just watching, always bear the following in mind:


Before you can sap the fuse and send the fireworks up, you must make sure that the place you want to set them off is clear of anything flammable, wide open, and has a hard, flat and level surface. The last thing you want is your fireworks to fall over while they’re going off!Also, at the very least, you should have a bucket of sand, a fire extinguisher, and ample water on hand, in case of fire. Make sure everyone stays at least 15-20 feet back, and often further, to minimize the chances of sparks or debris. Children should be even further back, and everyone should be aware of their costumes when the fireworks are going off, just in case they’re flammable.For more essential fireworks tips, be sure to check out the Canadian Safety Council’s guide! These are just a few of the best pieces of advice to stay safe out there on the most magical night of the year! While we can give you advice on corporeal dangers, the best advice is still to be mindful of your surroundings and watch out for witches!



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