Lone Worker Resources
Check out all our fantastic resources which will teach you everything you need to know about SafetyLine, and Lone Worker regulations and compliance.
eBooks and Whitepapers
Work Alone Regulations in Canada
This eBook is a compilation of Federal and Provincial regulations for work-alone safety monitoring requirements in Canada.
See the regulations
Hazard Assessment Guide
In the process of doing a hazard assessment for your workplace, it is almost a certainty you’ll learn information about the operational aspects of your organization you were unaware of before the assessment.
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8-Step Guide to Reducing the COVID-19 Risk for Your Workers
As provincial governments across Canada ease months-long restrictions allowing employees to return to their offices, the new reality is that these places won’t be the same as we left them. The new normal will entail increasingly structured workplaces that are more mindful of stopping the spread of COVID-19.
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SafetyLine Case Study on Seasons Health Therapies
At Seasons Health Therapies, therapists are regularly performing their duties outside of the office and in patients’ homes. This type of work environment exposes Seasons staff to a range of unique risks that could compromise their physical and emotional well-being. Download and read our case study on Seasons Health Therapies, learning how SafetyLine Lone Worker has protected their staff for four years, allowing them to provide the best care possible.
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City of Peterborough Case Study - Q&A with a SafetyLine Customer
Discover how the city of Peterborough uses SafetyLine to protect water employees working alone. We spoke to Darly Stevenson from his office in Peterborough about why they chose SafetyLine amongst other options and why they continue to use it to protect their employees working alone (they have a minimum of one-hour check-in intervals for their lone workers).
City of St. Johns Case Study - Q&A with a SafetyLine Customer
Learn how SafetyLine's suite of safety tools helped the City of St. John's Department of Public Works ensure the safety of their lone water treatment workers. We spoke to Shawn Haye, water treatment manager with the City of St. John’s, which includes two water treatment plants where at least one employee uses SafetyLine for protection daily.
Understanding Canadian Legislation & Liability of Working Alone
In Canada, each province and territory sets their own legislation for Health and Safety, which often includes provisions for Lone Workers. In principle, this helps each province and territory address the needs of Lone Workers in a way that considers the unique economies and climates, but quite often, it means that some Provinces and Territories lag behind others in having strong legislative requirements.
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Develop a Free Lone Worker Program for Small Teams
For small teams, developing a free lone worker check-in system is a simple process that any organization can implement.
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Lone Worker Policy Guide and Template
A lone worker policy is an effective way to ensure that your lone workers are well-educated on your company’s work-alone rules and have extensive knowledge of all workplace hazards that could be encountered on the job.
Download our recently updated 2023 policy guide and template to create or update your lone worker-safety policy.
Investing in Safety
This guide will show you what the real cost of a workplace injury is, what kind of an ROI you can expect by investing in Safety Culture, and gives you important questions to ask of any Safety Solutions for your workplace.
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Buyers Guide to Working Alone Safety Technology
This eBook is an overview of a variety of technologies, which means that you may have a tough decision when it comes to purchasing devices. In this guide, we’ll break down the capabilities of each device, and outline some common usage scenarios.
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Lone Worker Monitoring and Safety for Water and Waste Water Workers
Hundreds of thousands across North America work for the water and wastewater industry, helping ensure homes, businesses, and communities can access clean water 24/7. This eBook educates employers on protecting water and wastewater workers while working alone.
Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Policy Statement Template
An OHS policy statement and program may be a legal requirement, but regardless of your local laws, the safety and well-being of your workers should be a #1 priority.
Workplace Violence Prevention Program Template
A fundamental factor in a successful workplace violence prevention program is ongoing assessment of its impact and challenges and if it requires any updates (staff and work environment changes, new safety hazards, and risks). In this template for assessment of your workplace violence program, we will guide you, step by step, through evaluating your program's impact and efficacy.
Lone Worker Training Checklist for Managers
We've created a valuable resource for managers like you to strengthen your lone worker safety protocols. Introducing the "Lone Worker Training Checklist for Managers" – a comprehensive checklist for safeguarding your lone workers and complying with safety regulations.
Working Alone or in Isolation Checklist for Employees
Are your employees prepared to work alone or in isolation? Ensure their safety and peace of mind with our comprehensive "Working Alone or in Isolation Checklist for Employees." This essential tool will help you and your team stay safe and compliant in any work setting.
Download the Working Alone or in Isolation Checklist for Employees Template