Download Our Seasons Health Therapies Case Study


Lone workers in the health and home care industry 

It is becoming increasingly common for patients to be treated in their homes instead of at the clinic or the hospital, making nurses and therapists more vulnerable to violent incidents and trauma.

The risks of providing home health care

At Seasons Health Therapies, therapists are regularly performing their duties outside of the office and in patients’ homes. This type of work environment exposes Seasons staff to a range of unique risks that could compromise their physical and emotional well-being.

SafetyLine as a solution

Because it’s so common for their therapists to travel and work alone, the Kamloops company adopted the SafetyLine Lone Worker system to track workers when they are by themselves, remote, and traveling to or at a client’s home – SafetyLine monitors employees as they are working. Proactive check-in timers let therapists check in at pre-set time intervals to let Seasons know they are safe.

See why SafetyLine is the solution for Seasons Health Therapies

Download and read our case study on Seasons Health Therapies, learning how SafetyLine Lone Worker has protected their staff for four years, allowing them to provide the best care possible. In addition to this interesting and informative story, we’ll be sending you a small number of emails that include some additional information about how to analyze best your workplace and some of the additional benefits of a safety culture. We promise not to spam you, and you’re free to unsubscribe anytime!

Download our case study on Seasons Health Therapies

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