Proactive Check-In Timers for Lone Workers
Never miss an emergency with custom and persistent notifications to ensure the right person is sent an alert quickly when a worker is in distress
Custom, interval check-in timers
Whether it is 5 minutes or 4 hours, SafetyLine allows you to customize the intervals of your check-in timer, depending on the length and the danger levels of the work. This allows the SafetyLine check-in system to be used in almost any industry, position, and most importantly, set of circumstances, making it incredibly adaptive to your evolving safety needs.
For some jobs, the length and danger level of each shift can vary. An effective and flexible worker safety solution such as SafetyLine helps the employer’s worker safety program evolve as their OHS landscape changes over time. For example, if an employee is working with a client or patient who has a history of violence, the intervals of the check-in timer can be shortened according to their comfort level and risk assessment of the environment.
Work safety hazards are rarely consistent so therefore, the safety measures to mitigate those hazards require the ability to adapt to those changing needs and safety landscape – SafetyLine can do that.
Proactive safety
Instead of waiting for an accident to occur, SafetyLine proactively has safety measures in place to prevent the accident or emergency from occurring. Proactive safety, like SafetyLine, anticipates the health and safety hazard ahead of time so that nobody will get hurt. Using SafetyLine will help you be more prepared for any safety hazards down the road, significantly reducing response times in an emergency.
Implementing proactive safety measures such as SafetyLine, also displays the employer is practicing due diligence to protect their lone and vulnerable workers – due diligence that can be proven in a court of law. Occupational health and safety legislation and regulations are different from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. But regardless of your legal OHS requirements, employers have a moral duty to protect their most important resource: their people.
No missed emergencies
Because SafeyLine is fully automated, you will never miss an emergency from a lone worker in trouble. SafetyLine significantly reduces the likelihood of human error, ensuring that the lone worker can request help anytime and anywhere. Calls and messages get missed all the time, however SafetyLine makes sure emergency notifications are promptly sent and received, keeping the lone worker connected to a source of help at all times.
Emergency notifications can be customized according to your OHS programs and protocols, allowing you to choose who is notified and when. This ensures the correct person(s) is contacted so the emergency response can begin immediately. Using SafetyLine, employers can be comfortable knowing it will notify them if any of their team members are in trouble.
Easy to use and implement
SafetyLine is incredibly simple to use and execute, causing no disruption to operations and the worker’s job. All that is required is they check in on the SafetyLine app, and an automated timer counts down to the lone worker’s next scheduled check-in. Check-in before the timer expires, and it resets as the lone worker continues their shift. If the lone worker doesn’t check in before the timer ends, they will receive reminders to do so. If they still don’t check in, SafetyLine will immediately notify monitors of a potential emergency.
SafetyLine can be implemented and used within minutes on ubiquitous devices such as smartphones, desktops, and tablets. SafetyLine does not require you to purchase expensive, additional devices and leverages the technology that people are familiar and comfortable with.
Safety monitoring 24/7
Available 24/7, 365 days a year, SafetyLine’s automated check-in system will protect lone and isolated employees in any industry and profession. SafetyLine is a secure lifeline for employees who are working in environments where help is not readily available.
Helping the lone worker stay connected to a secure source of help, creates beneficial peace of mind for both the employee and employer. A connected employee is happier and more productive, creating higher-quality work.
Why not just have a manual check-in system?
Why not implement a check-in system where lone workers manually confirm their safety through a sign-in sheet or phone call? As mentioned, SafetyLine removes the risk of human error that occurs with manual systems and without the advantages of technology.
Additionally, manual check-in systems:
Require potential additional human resources and staff for safety monitoring, as well as infrastructure and other resources
typically require more time to implement and train employees because there is the support of technology and automation
are more rigid and cannot adapt to changing OHS needs like automated and technology-based solutions,
do not provide additional, valuable OHS safety tools such as motion features, panic buttons, and location monitoring, and
do not provide secure communication and messaging capabilities, communicating important information potentially integral to successful emergency response.
Related blog articles on proactive check-in timers for lone workers
Want to learn more?
Have a short, no-pressure discussion to see if SafetyLine is a good fit for your company.
What we'll discuss:
What are you currently doing to keep your lone workers safe?
What's working, what isn't?
If there's a significant issue, could SafetyLine help?
Mutually determine whether a 60-minute demo makes sense