COVID 19: Working from Home Tips From Staff At SafetyLine Lone Worker, Part 2

Working from Home Tips From Staff At SafetyLine Lone Worker

In continuation of Part 1, here at Safetyline Lone Worker, we understand the challenges of working remotely. But since the public quarantine because of COVID-19, all of us truly understand what it’s like to be working at home and sometimes alone.

So we asked our team at SafetyLine ,“What is one tip that you would give someone who is working from home?”

Jordan Fane, Systems Administrator 


"Make sure to get out of the house at some point during the workday for a short walk or breath of fresh air."

Gabriel Caldwell, Chief Technology Officer  


"Maintain regular hours. Setting a schedule allows you to maintain a healthy work-life balance.  By following a schedule, you set clear guidelines for yourself about when to work and when to hang up the keyboard for the day. Your schedule also lets your co-workers know when it’s appropriate to contact you. Of course, one of the great benefits of working from home is flexibility. If you do end up starting early or extending your day, be sure to give yourself that time back and let your team know."

Madison Taylor, Customer Care Specialist 


"Have a space that is dedicated just for work. I have found this helpful for maintaining a sense of work life balance."

Thom Chaves, Software Developer 


“I find working from home is good because you can decide when to complete your tasks. I feel more productive at night, so, I prefer to work at this time. However, I collect all the needed information and resources from my coworkers during the day so I have everything to complete the work at night. Also, I practice the Polmodoro Technique – this keeps me focused on my tasks during my work time. Working from home is not always easy because there are a lot of things that can grab your attention. So, my tips are to organize yourself, decide the best time for you to work and apply good techniques to keep yourself focused.”

Kim Lawlor, Marketing and Research Assistant 


“Keep your workspace in a different location then you would usually be during the day, like an office or a spare bedroom.”

Jerry Ford, Sales Development 


Remote and Lone Worker Safety During the “New Normal” (COVID-19)


COVID-19: Working from Home Tips From Staff At SafetyLine Lone Worker, Part 1