SafetyLine App Update: Immediate GPS Breadcrumbs

At SafetyLine, we are dedicated to continuous improvement and innovation to ensure the safety and well-being of lone workers. We are thrilled to announce a new enhancement that will significantly improve our communication capabilities, user experience, and emergency response efficiency. Here’s a detailed look at our latest app update for July.

Immediate GPS breadcrumb updates

We are excited to announce a significant enhancement to the GPS breadcrumb functionality in our SafetyLine Mobile App!

Enhanced GPS breadcrumbs

In our continuous effort to improve safety and response times, we have upgraded the GPS breadcrumb feature. Previously, we shortened the interval between breadcrumbs during urgent situations such as report due, unconfirmed emergency, and panic emergency. While this was a substantial improvement, there was still a delay of several minutes before a new GPS breadcrumb would be generated.

Introducing immediate breadcrumbs

Now, we’ve taken a leap forward. The SafetyLine app will send an immediate breadcrumb whenever there’s a change in the worker’s status. This means the moment a worker’s status updates due to any emergency or report, their location is instantly pinpointed and shared.


  • Real-Time Location Updates: Ensures that the latest location data is available without delay, providing a more accurate and timely response.

  • Enhanced Safety: Increases the safety of workers by allowing quicker reaction times in critical situations.

  • Improved Accuracy: Reduces the window of uncertainty in the event of an emergency.

We believe this new feature and enhancement will significantly improve the user experience and reinforce our commitment to safety excellence. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to innovate and enhance our SafetyLine Mobile App. We encourage all users to explore these updates and share their feedback with us. As always, your safety remains our top priority.

Empower a safe workforce: connect with SafetyLine to learn how to protect your lone workers


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