Featured Resources
Lone Worker Policy Guide and Template
A lone worker policy is an effective way to ensure that your lone workers are well-educated on your company’s work-alone rules and have extensive knowledge of all workplace hazards that could be encountered on the job.
Hazard Assessment Guide
In the process of doing a hazard assessment for your workplace, it is almost a certainty you’ll learn information about the operational aspects of your organization you were unaware of before the assessment.
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Develop a Free Lone Worker Program for Small Teams
Developing a free lone worker check-in system is a simple process for small teams that any organization can implement.
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SafetyLine App Update: Immediate GPS Breadcrumbs
At SafetyLine, we are dedicated to continuous improvement and innovation to ensure the safety and well-being of lone workers. We are thrilled to announce a new enhancement that will significantly improve our communication capabilities, user experience, and emergency response efficiency. Here’s a detailed look at our latest app update for July.
Critical Features and Functions of SafetyLine’s Lone Worker App
In the dynamic landscape of occupational safety, the challenges faced by lone workers demand innovative solutions. At the heart of this quest for enhanced safety lies SafetyLine, a comprehensive lone-worker solution designed to address the unique risks associated with working alone. This blog serves as a guide to unveil the critical features and functions that make SafetyLine a game-changer in ensuring the well-being of lone workers across diverse industries.
Staying Connected to Your Safety Network: How to Register for Outage Notifications from Service Providers and SafetyLine
As a lone worker, your safety is of the utmost importance. You rely on your cellular, satellite, or internet service provider to stay connected to your safety resources, including SafetyLine Lone Worker. However, sometimes your cellular, satellite, or internet service providers may experience outages, leaving you vulnerable and disconnected from your safety network.
In-app Feedback and More: SafetyLine Upgrades Menu Options
Lone worker protection pioneer SafetyLine has added some new features to its comprehensive lone worker safety system and app. The SafetyLine app menu now includes several additional options to help protect you and your team members better.
Context is King – SafetyLine’s Visual Locator for its Lone Workers
SafetyLine users can now see a more effective visual locator of where lone workers are performing their jobs. This addresses a common and understandable misunderstanding of workers’ locations on the SafetyLine map. Monitors sometimes assume the location pin was accurate because the accuracy of the data wasn’t presented visually. Occasionally, there has been confusion around the fact that the map pin shows the lone worker at an incorrect location. This occurs because of issues caused by imperfections in general GPS location accuracy.
Lone Worker Safety and Tracking Using SPOT Satellite Messengers by Globalstar
The most significant benefit of this partnership with Globalstar, quite simply, is that your workers and team members will have reliable and proven satellite communications for lone workers to support SafetyLine’s comprehensive suite of safety features. The SafetyLine and SPOT combination provides uninterrupted location tracking and two-way communications (independent of cellular networks), using SPOT to send and receive text messages, track and share progress with managers and coworkers, map their routes, as well as, if needed, trigger an SOS emergency requesting immediate help.
Lone Worker Motion Features are Here!
If your organization subscribes to use Motion Features, you’ll have access to three new functions that make use of a device’s internal accelerometer. These new features bring extra functionality and improved safety measures to the mobile app. These improved features include man down, fall detection, and shake for emergency, and have been engineered and designed based on your feedback.
Updates are Coming to SafetyLine for Android!
This update paves the way for future upgrades, and introduces more control over the GPS breadcrumbs feature. When you report a location to SafetyLine with the breadcrumbs feature, you'll now be able choose when you're sending breadcrumbs (when checked in, or only during emergency).
New SafetyLine App for iOS Released!
At SafetyLine, we believe that safety should never be a barrier to workflow. It should be an integral part of any organization - streamlined and effortless. Now, managing your safety while on the job has become even easier with the rollout of our new iOS app for iPhone, and wi-fi//LTE-enabled iPod and iPad.