Should you leave your remote workers alone?

A lone worker working on his laptop

With all of the things going on in the world right now, the safety of workers, remote workers, in particular, is a big concern. For any employer, it is a big job to keep their remote team safe and productive during these unique times, on top of the challenges of maintaining productivity operations. When it comes to remote workers, managers can spend a lot of time making sure these staff members are safe and are getting their work done. The good news is that you may not have to pay so much attention to these team members. In fact, a laissez-faire leadership approach may actually be more beneficial to productivity and morale as you are empowering these employees to get the jobs done themselves.  

“Laissez-faire” was originally a French economic term that means “allow to do” or “let go.” This is a type of management style in which leaders are hands-off, allowing their team to make decisions. It is based on the belief that people excel when they are left alone to respond to their responsibilities and obligations in their own ways. 

Trust your remote workers 

This autonomy can be freeing to some group members and help them feel more satisfied with their work. When you trust your team, it builds confidence and passion, motivating them to work harder than before and solve problems on their own. This trust and independence can really lead to higher job satisfaction.

Inspire your remote workers 

As a manager, inspiring your remote workers will boost productivity and like trust, will instill passion in your team. An inspired team will become more innovative and take the ball and run with it, requiring less time spent managing. An inspired team is also one that is happier with more positive emotional well-being. 

Engage your remote workers 

While you are not spending a lot of time managing these workers, you still need to connect with them on a regular basis to make sure they are making their deadlines and to see how they’re doing. Showing that you care can really boost morale and confidence within a team. You should still remain open and available to workers for consultation and feedback. Provide direction at the beginning of a project, but then allow group members to do their jobs with little oversight. 

Value the skills of your remote workers 

Make sure you pay attention to the specific skillsets of your lone workers. When team members are the experts in a particular area, the laissez-faire style allows them to demonstrate their deep knowledge and skill surrounding that particular subject. 

Lead your remote workers 

With the laissez-faire approach, you really need to guide your remote workers to not only get the job done, but with respectability and competence. This can be displayed in your professionalism as well as by example. Perform your work at a level that you expect your team to follow, always keep commitments, and always make your deadlines 

Properly equip your remote workers

Last but not least, providing the proper technology and equipment will allow your remote team to get their work done efficiently, will empower them to connect (smartphone, video conferencing) and it will also help protect them like SafetyLine’s lone worker safety app. You should never cut financial corners when it comes to tools for your team, especially for those working alone. 

Know your remote and lone worker legislation

Many provinces have legislation to protect lone workers. Failure to comply with these regulations could result in increased WCB premiums, fines, legal action, or even criminal charges for your organization. SafetyLine helps you meet and exceed your specific regulations for staff who are working alone. Read more here. 

Connect with SafetyLine to learn more on protecting your remote and lone workers


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