11 Benefits of SafetyLine for Ensuring Lone Worker Safety 

Table of Contents

  1. Real-time GPS location tracking 

  2. Panic button and emergency alerts and In-app panic button

  3. Consistent communication with lone workers

  4. Automated check-in reminders

  5. Customizable safety check-ins for each environment

  6. Privacy and security

  7. Incident reporting and documentation for compliance

  8. Integration with satellite messengers

  9. Cost savings and return on investment 

  10. Increased peace of mind

  11. Experience and consultation

What is one major challenge that every company has in common? Every business and professional entity – regardless of the product, service or purpose it provides – has a legal and ethical responsibility to protect its people and workers. Occupational health and safety (OHS) is an area that someone in healthcare could share with someone in water utilities or public transportation – even facing similar safety hazards like workplace violence. 

So what does that responsibility look like? It entails safety protocols and practices that keep people safe and the organization compliant with local OHS legislation and regulations. Effective safety practices include safety training, proper PPE, and safety technology like lone worker safety apps such as SafetyLine Lone Worker.  

As you read more, you will learn the top 10 benefits of using SafetyLine to help protect your people working alone or in dangerous work environments. We will look at specific features of SafetyLine’s lone worker safety app, and how they can help protect your team members.

1. Real-time GPS location tracking 

In any successful emergency response, the outcome depends on whether the employer knows the worker's location and how quickly help is sent. SafetyLine provides real-time GPS location tracking of the employee only while at work and using the lone worker safety app.  

Safetyline also integrates with Garmin and Globalstar to give lone workers full coverage in areas with low or no cellular connectivity. SafetyLine offers real-time visibility of workers' locations, accurately monitoring workers' movements for enhanced occupational safety and security. 

2. Panic button and emergency alerts and In-app panic button

Like accurate location monitoring, employers must provide workers with means to request emergency help if they feel threatened or in danger. SafetyLine includes instant access to a discreet in-app panic button to send an immediate emergency alert to designated contacts. Suppose a patient, customer, or member of the public attacks an employee. They can confidentially press the panic button for help without the intimidator knowing they did so. Also, thanks to the feature that SafetyLine works in-app on your current smartphone, they can access the panic button on a device they are most familiar with and comfortable using.   

3. Consistent communication with lone workers

Dependable communication between the lone worker and the employer or designated monitor has several significant benefits for occupational safety, operations, and work quality. SafetyLine provides several channels and means for the lone worker to communicate or signal a work emergency. Efficient text and voice messaging allow SafetyLine users to easily share important information and details about their work circumstances and environment, such as proximity to significant landmarks/buildings and how they are feeling or if they have any concerns about their well-being. On the other hand, employers can communicate emergency response instructions and additional vital information. 

4. Automated check-in reminders

An effective OHS practice that helps protect lone workers is a regular schedule of safety check-ins performed by the employee, confirming their safety. Manual check-ins such as phone calls or texts, two-way radio, and Excel spreadsheets can provide the risk of human error and negligence. However, an automated check-in system like SafetyLine eliminates that risk, sending lone worker reminders if check-in is forgotten and sending employer/monitor alerts when check-in is missed following multiple reminders. When work gets busy, it’s easy to forget to check in with your manager or employer – but SafetyLine makes sure you know when you need to check in or have missed a safety check-in at a pre-established time.   

5. Customizable safety check-ins for each environment

Because the check-in times on SafetyLine are customizable, the intervals between each check-in can be adjusted according to the occupational risk levels of each work environment. As a result, SafetyLine helps employers tailor safety protocols to specific work environments and changing circumstances – such as new employees, new safety legislation and regulations, as well as new safety hazards, of course. This means that SafetyLine can be easily adapted to your industry requirements and standards and, as you will read later, can be easily integrated with other safety systems and technologies. 

6. Privacy and security 

Protecting our client’s data is extremely important to the Safetyline Team, and we have gone above and beyond to protect your data and security.  SafetyLine is compliant with SOC2 TYPE-2 attestation, all data is protected and exclusively stored in Canada, as well as, a very robust service level agreement to ensure our compliance and availability.  SafetyLine is compliant with SSO and integrates with Microsoft Azure for Multi-factor authentication. 

7. Incident reporting and documentation for compliance 

One of the best strategies for preventing future accidents from hurting anyone is to look back at records and data, exploring areas that can be optimized and improved upon so that your lone team members will stay safe while performing their jobs. SafetyLine’s valuable reporting tool can capture any relevant data for post-incident analysis, identifying areas that could potentially be a safety hazard and threat down the road. SafetyLine can provide custom reports quickly anywhere you can use the lone worker safety app. These reports are precious in local OHS compliance and safety legislation and regulations.   


8. Integration with satellite messengers 

As you know by now, SafetyLine can be easily integrated with other safety systems and devices, including ones you currently use (such as Garmin satellite communicators), leveraging their capabilities and technologies to monitor the lone workers’ safety better and more efficiently. SafetyLine is also compatible with Globalstar’s innovative SPOT satellite messenger, another reputable option for protecting people working in remote locations. This consolidation of technology and systems makes overall safety management more effective, efficient, and manageable.   

 9. Cost savings and return on investment

When an employee is hurt at work, they may not be just physical – they can impact their mental health, family, co-workers, and the company and its operations. Additionally, if violations of safety legislation and regulations are established, heavy safety fines and possible jail time could result. When all of these areas are considered, the cost of a work injury can be very steep and long-lasting. SafetyLine can protect workers and companies from injuries, and the following consequences, ensuring they are safe and connected and the worksite complies with local OHS legislation. To determine how much return on investment (ROI) you will receive if you use the SafetyLine lone worker safety app, try its simple ROI calculator for safety investments.   

10. Increased peace of mind 

For many employers and managers, the most significant benefit of lone worker monitoring and safety via SafetyLine is the peace of mind they experience when their people use it. With a proven track record and over two decades of work safety knowledge, SafetyLine is a reliable lone worker safety app that monitors your employees, ensuring they can access help anytime and anywhere if needed. 

11. Experience and consultation 

SafetyLine was purpose-built in 1999 in Vancouver to exceed all provincially mandated lone worker legislations in Canada. Our consultative approach and over two decades of experience are shared with every new client to assist in setting up some of North America’s most robust and successful lone-worker programs. Our client base includes multiple provincial standing offers, towns, cities, and municipalities across Canada and the United States. 

The safety benefits will continue

When you look at the many worker safety app advantages – accurate location monitoring, in-app panic button, reliable communication, customizable and automated safety check-ins and reminders, secure safety data, OHS data access and documentation, compliance, easy integration with existing systems/devices, significant costs savings and ROI, and increased peace of mind – it is even more impressive that there will be more benefits that will reveal themselves down the road. Implementing an unobstructed safety system like SafetyLine will improve work culture and quality with fewer accidents and an environment where people are cared for. 

Discover SafetyLine Lone Worker - Book Your Demo Today! 


Choosing the Right Lone Worker Safety Solution


Peace of Mind for Employers and Employees: Why Investing in SafetyLine Lone Worker is Worth It