Common Questions and Answers for SafetyLine Buyers

Table of Contents

  1. CEO/President 

  2. Chief Operating Officer (COO)

  3. Chief Technical Officer (CTO)

  4. Chief Financial Officer (CFO) 

  5. Director of Operations 

  6. Operations Manager 

  7. Lone Workers 

  8. Everyone needs to be involved in work safety 

Individuals involved in purchasing and researching SafetyLine come from a variety of roles within an organization. This includes high-level executives such as CEOs and presidents, as well as administrative assistants and the lone workers who will use the technology. Each role brings a unique perspective and set of requirements when evaluating lone worker safety solutions tailored to their team's specific needs and challenges.

Below, we’ve compiled the most frequently asked questions from SafetyLine buyers, based on the roles most often responsible for selecting the best lone worker safety solution for their organization.


Starting from the very top, worker safety should be a concern. The chief executive officer (CEO) or president of the company should play a role in lone worker safety because of its impact on the strategic direction of the organization. 

What industries does SafetyLine help protect? 

Safetyline works in almost every industry, but particularly well with nonprofit organizations, home healthcare, water utilities, government, agriculture, manufacturing, and energy. 

Regardless of your industry, if you have lone workers, we can help. Connect with us at 

How can SafetyLine benefit and positively impact an organization? 

SafetyLine offers a reliable, proven solution that not only protects your lone workers, but also delivers a range of additional benefits for your organization. By enhancing safety, it improves work efficiency, productivity, and employee satisfaction. With flexible, cost-effective pricing options, SafetyLine can be tailored to meet the unique needs of large organizations, governments, and non-profits. Our custom solutions allow unlimited users, ensuring scalability as your organization grows. You can explore our various pricing options on our packages page, designed to fit both your safety requirements and budget. 

Why is SafetyLine an industry leader in lone worker safety software? 

Since 1999, SafetyLine has helped lead the way in lone worker safety. Because of the effort designing and creating lone worker software, we have developed a product and solution that successfully meets the needs of our users. Read what these users have to say on our customer testimonial page. 

Chief Operating Officer (COO)

The second-in-command, chief operating officer (COO) looks at long-term business goals and strategies, such continuing safety protocols and strategies that impact daily operations. 

How can SafetyLine integrate and align with our long-term objectives and goals? 

SafetyLine is designed to be adaptable to your current safety programs and protocols, allowing easy integration into operations and objectives. 

Does SafetyLine impact or impede daily operations, in any way? 

For smartphone users, the SafetyLine app is available on iOS, Android, and Windows application stores. This app allows users to perform various functions such as check-ins, an emergency button, end monitoring, and GPS pings. It also offers additional features like motion detection (fall detection, no-motion, shake-for-panic) and the ability to leave text or voice messages. The SafetyLine app can be accessed using either data services or Wi-Fi. 

Landline services are available as a cost-effective and reliable alternative to mobile or satellite devices when there is no cellular service for lone workers. 

How can I see how often SafetyLine is used by my workers?  

SafetyLine can quickly provide customized safety reports that display and provide data on valuable metrics such as compliance, check-in status, as well as a history of any changes made to your system. 

Chief Technical Officer (CTO)

The chief technical officer, or CTO, leads the IT department and manages the implementation and use of technologies within the organization, including those for lone worker safety.  

 Which satellite devices does SafetyLine integrate with? 

Satellite communication devices, including Garmin inReach and Globalstar Spot, as well as satellite hotspots like Starlink, are easily compatible with SafetyLine. These devices allow workers to check in, declare emergencies, end monitoring, leave messages, and send GPS pings even without cellular coverage. They offer enhanced integration and increased worker safety, particularly in regions with limited cellular reception. SafetyLine also supports satellite phones for workers in circumstances where they are more practical. 

Satellite devices can be broken down into two broad categories: 

  • Satellite Devices with a User Interface: These devices typically have a built-in screen or display that allows users to interact directly with the device. They often come with buttons, menus, and other controls that facilitate communication. 

  • Satellite Devices Without a User Interface: These devices lack a built-in screen but rely on a paired smartphone app for interaction. Users control the device through their phone. 

SafetyLine is compatible with both categories of devices, including a wide array of devices from recognized market leaders like Globalstar SPOT and Garmin inReach, to newer and budget-conscious devices like Zoleo, Bivy, and Flare. 

Which operating systems can SafetyLine be used on? 

SafetyLine can protect lone workers on Android, iOS, and Windows, and provides features like fall detection, no-motion alerts, GPS tracking, and an in-app panic button. SafetyLine is accessible through desktop computers for both Windows and Macintosh operating systems. 

Is SafetyLine SOC 2 Type 2 compliant with its data security? 

Yes. SafetyLine has a SOC 2 Type 2 certification which indicates that SafetyLine has undergone an independent audit and has met the standards for security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy of its service. SOC 2 Type 2 certification ensures that SafetyLine is a reliable and trustworthy partner that can protect its data and comply with policies and regulations. 

Chief Financial Officer (CFO) 

The chief financial officer (CFO) manages more than only money and numbers. These people must track and plan how the money is used, especially when protecting its vulnerable lone employees. 

Does SafetyLine provide a service-level agreement (SLA) to its customers? 

Yes, SafetyLine does provide a service level agreement to its customers. For more information, please read more here: 

In addition to increased worker safety, does using SafetyLine result in a positive return on investment (ROI) for the company? 

Absolutely. Using SafetyLine results in a positive return on investment (ROI) for the company in several ways. First, by proactively monitoring lone workers, SafetyLine helps mitigate the risk of workplace injuries, ensuring employees are safe and accounted for at all times. This can significantly reduce the likelihood of costly accidents, which can lead to expensive safety fines and legal liabilities. 

Second, reducing incidents of workplace injury or emergencies minimizes lost work time and productivity. Fewer workplace disruptions mean more consistent operations, and quicker response times in emergencies can help workers recover faster, lowering downtime costs. 

Moreover, using SafetyLine can enhance a company's reputation as a responsible and safety-conscious employer. This can boost employee morale, lower turnover, and make it easier to attract top talent, further contributing to long-term financial gains. 

By protecting both workers and the company’s bottom line, SafetyLine provides an excellent return on investment beyond just compliance—it safeguards the company’s assets, productivity, and people. 

How can SafetyLine benefit the company’s financial planning? 

SafetyLine offers invaluable data that enhances both financial and operational planning. By providing detailed insights into occupational health and safety, SafetyLine helps companies make more informed decisions around staffing, resource allocation, and risk management. This data enables proactive planning, allowing businesses to anticipate potential safety risks, identify trends, and learn from past incidents. 

With real-time monitoring and reporting, SafetyLine can help identify cost-saving opportunities, such as reducing lost work time, preventing accidents, and avoiding fines or legal liabilities. It also supports more efficient hiring and training by pinpointing areas where additional safety measures or personnel might be needed, ensuring resources are allocated where they can have the greatest impact. In the long term, this data-driven approach helps protect both your workforce and your bottom line, ensuring a safer, more financially resilient operation.

Director of Operations 

The Director of Operations manages the daily affairs of an organization who looks at improving efficiency and reducing costs – with a focus on occupational health and safety. 

How can SafetyLine make the lone worker’s day more efficient? 

The easy, automated system does not disrupt their day, providing peace of mind their safety is being monitored and they can focus on the quality of their work and task at hand. 

Does the SafetyLine app monitor workers’ locations? 

Yes, the SafetyLine app monitors workers' locations, but only while they are on duty. Once a lone worker checks out at the end of their shift, all worker monitoring stops. For GPS location tracking to be active, the 'Breadcrumbs' feature must be turned on. Location monitoring is always transparent and should be discussed with the worker before being activated, ensuring it complies with both safety protocols and privacy considerations. 

Does the SafetyLine app include a panic button as well? 

Yes, the SafetyLine app includes an in-app panic button that can be discreetly pressed to request immediate emergency assistance. When activated, it sends an alert with the worker's location, ensuring help is dispatched quickly to the right place. 

Operations Manager 

The operations manager works closely with lone workers, witnessing first-hand any safety hazards or issues in that work environment. 

What is the proper protocol if my workers are outside of cellular range? 

If your workers are outside of cellular range, it's important to have flexible protocols in place. For workers who only have cellular access, you can arrange check-ins at specific locations with Wi-Fi, landlines, or desktop computers. For those frequently working beyond cellular coverage, consider using GPS-enabled devices that integrate with SafetyLine, such as Garmin inReach or Globalstar SPOT communicators. These devices ensure that workers remain connected and can check in, even in remote areas. 

How technical do workers need to be in order to begin using SafetyLine? 

When SafetyLine was designed, the concept was to create a product that any lone worker could use. While very robust with a number of features, SafetyLine is very user-friendly and can be used on a variety of platforms and devices with a straightforward interface. 

Can regular use of SafetyLine improve workplace culture? 

Yes, regular use of SafetyLine can significantly enhance workplace culture. When employees know that their safety is actively monitored and prioritized, it fosters a sense of security and care. This increased reassurance can lead to higher job satisfaction, better work quality, and a more positive overall work environment. Employees who feel valued and protected are more likely to be engaged and committed, contributing to a stronger, more supportive workplace culture. 

Safety/Occupational Health and Safety Officer 

The safety or OHS officer’s primary responsibility is the health and safety of the company’s employees. They lead and manage compliance with safety legislation and regulations and investigations into workplace hazards or issues their workers might have, including those working alone. 

Who are lone workers?  

Lone workers are individuals who carry out their tasks without immediate support from colleagues or access to emergency assistance. They may work in isolated locations or under conditions where help is not readily available in case of an emergency. 

What types of hazards do lone workers face? 

Lone workers are exposed to a range of significant occupational hazards, including: 

  • Biological hazards: Risks from exposure to harmful microorganisms or substances. 

  • Trips and falls: Hazards from uneven surfaces, clutter, or poor lighting. 

  • Heavy equipment/machinery accidents: Dangers related to the operation or proximity of large or complex machinery. 

  • Extreme weather: Risks associated with severe weather conditions such as storms, heat, or cold. 

  • Medical emergencies: Potential health issues or accidents requiring immediate medical attention. 

  • Hazardous flying objects: Risks from debris or objects in motion. 

  • Vehicular accidents: Dangers related to driving or being near vehicles. 

  • Violence, harassment, and assault: Risks of physical or verbal abuse from others. 

Understanding these hazards is crucial for implementing effective safety measures and protecting lone workers. 

Is a call center more effective than an automated service or device? 

There are advantages and disadvantages to using a call center. While a call center provides access to a human being, it also runs the risk of human error. Automated systems, on the other hand, are not at risk of human error and enable accurate and exact protocols to be executed on time, saving costs. 

Both call centers and automated services have their own advantages and disadvantages. A call center offers the benefit of human interaction, providing personalized support and the ability to handle complex or nuanced situations. On the other hand, this also introduces the potential for human error and variability in service quality. 

However, automated systems are more consistent, executing protocols accurately and on time without risking human error. They can also be more cost-effective and efficient for routine tasks. Ultimately, the choice between a call center and an automated service depends on the specific needs of your organization, such as the level of personalization required, and the complexity of the tasks involved and required. 

Is it fairly easy to onboard new workers into the SafetyLine system? 

Yes, onboarding new employees into SafetyLine is straightforward. Once you have the new employee’s information and device, they can start using SafetyLine quickly. For detailed instructions on adding a user, please refer to this guide: Adding a User

Is there an online help center available if I have any questions? 

Yes, we offer an extensive online help center with answers and resources for SafetyLine users. You can access it here: SafetyLine Help Center

What if I still need help? 

If you still have questions or can’t find the answer you’re looking for, please contact our customer support team – they'd be happy to help: 

Lone Workers 

The lone worker is the primary user of SafetyLine, engaging with the system by checking in daily or per shift. They utilize SafetyLine's messaging features and experience the tangible benefits and peace of mind provided by the safety software. 

How can I call for help in an emergency?  

SafetyLine offers several ways to signal for help in an emergency: 

  • Fall Detection: Automatically alerts if a fall is detected. 

  • Panic Button: Provides immediate assistance with a discreet alert. 

  • Missed Check-in: Triggers an alert if a scheduled check-in is missed. 

  • Motionless Alert: Notifies if there is no movement detected for a set period. 

  • Shake for Panic Emergency: Sends an emergency signal by shaking the device. 

  • Phone-Dial In: Allows for emergency calls through the device. 

These features ensure that help can be called quickly and effectively in various situations. 

Where can I provide a review for SafetyLine? 

You can share your feedback on SafetyLine through several platforms. To review our mobile app, you can do so on: 

For additional reviews and insights, visit our page on Capterra: SafetyLine Reviews on Capterra

Why am I using SafetyLine or a lone worker safety app every day? 

Using SafetyLine daily ensures that you have reliable access to help in case of an emergency while working alone. The app provides critical safety features designed to protect your overall well-being, offering immediate assistance and peace of mind in situations when help is not readily available. SafetyLine is essential for safeguarding lone workers and ensuring they can work with confidence. 

Everyone needs to be involved in work safety 

Safety is a shared responsibility that involves every individual in the company – regardless of their role or responsibilities. Each person brings valuable insights and a unique perspective on how to enhance the safety environment and support those working alone. By fostering a culture where everyone is engaged in occupational safety efforts, you build a more robust and comprehensive lone worker safety program. Commitment and collaboration from all levels ensure a stronger, more effective safety culture that ultimately benefits everyone. 

Check in. Work Safe. Stay Connected. Book a demo with SafetyLine today to get started!


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