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Lone Worker Policy Guide and Template
A lone worker policy is an effective way to ensure that your lone workers are well-educated on your company’s work-alone rules and have extensive knowledge of all workplace hazards that could be encountered on the job.
Hazard Assessment Guide
In the process of doing a hazard assessment for your workplace, it is almost a certainty you’ll learn information about the operational aspects of your organization you were unaware of before the assessment.
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Develop a Free Lone Worker Program for Small Teams
Developing a free lone worker check-in system is a simple process for small teams that any organization can implement.
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Sending the Perfect Check-In Message for Lone Workers
A simple check-in from a worker can significantly enhance safety. This single step allows lone workers to confirm their well-being with their employer, alleviating personal safety concerns while working in isolation. Beyond the action itself, safety check-in messages serve as crucial communication channels for occupational safety monitoring and management.
There are three key reasons why a check-in message should include more than just the lone worker's GPS coordinates, which, while essential, are only one part of the larger picture:
Employee vs. Contractor: How Far Does Your Responsibility Go?
The modern workplace isn’t always fixed to a single location, and often isn’t even a single organization. The role of contractors and subcontractors has grown considerably, with highly-skilled professional occupying roles on a contract-based part-time or provisional basis.
Communication Breakdown: GPS Tracking vs. Check-in Messages
One of the major considerations when deciding on a lone worker safety system is whether to opt for check-in based safety or automated reports using GPS. In this post we’ll break down some of the differences between check-in and GPS-based systems, and determine which solution provides better value.