Featured Resources
Lone Worker Policy Guide and Template
A lone worker policy is an effective way to ensure that your lone workers are well-educated on your company’s work-alone rules and have extensive knowledge of all workplace hazards that could be encountered on the job.
Hazard Assessment Guide
In the process of doing a hazard assessment for your workplace, it is almost a certainty you’ll learn information about the operational aspects of your organization you were unaware of before the assessment.
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Develop a Free Lone Worker Program for Small Teams
Developing a free lone worker check-in system is a simple process for small teams that any organization can implement.
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Can I Refuse to Work Alone in Unsafe Working Conditions?
Wherever we work, there are going to be occupational hazards that test our safety and security. It doesn’t matter if you’re working in a wastewater treatment plant or if you’re a home healthcare worker in a patient’s home – there will be safety hazards, big and small. But when you work alone, the risk of those safety hazards is elevated because there isn’t a coworker nearby to get or provide emergency aid if you get injured. “Lone working” can be defined as performing a task by yourself, without help readily available if you are in trouble.
Workplace Hazards Series: COVID-19
As governments ease months-long restrictions allowing employees to return to their offices, the new reality is that these places won’t be the same as we left them. The new normal will entail increasingly structured workplaces that are more mindful of potential physical contamination. For the foreseeable future, there will be new routines and procedures that we will need to enforce and become accustomed to, seemingly normal ways of doing things that need to be shifted in order to protect team members from potential infection of the notorious virus.
So how do you address these new workplace hazards and different working environments for your team members?
Workplace Hazards Series: Physical Hazards
Of all the hazards in your workplace, physical hazards might the least obvious. Despite their name, physical hazards aren’t always something that you can see or touch. In this installment of our “Workplace Hazards” series, we’ll take a look at how you can identify and prepare for physical hazards.
Workplace Hazards Series: Biological Hazards
Anything that can cause harm to people, animals, or infectious plant materials can be considered a biological hazard. They exist in most workplaces that involve working around other people, unsanitary conditions, in labs, or in the environment.