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Lone Worker Policy Guide and Template

A lone worker policy is an effective way to ensure that your lone workers are well-educated on your company’s work-alone rules and have extensive knowledge of all workplace hazards that could be encountered on the job.

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Hazard Assessment Guide

In the process of doing a hazard assessment for your workplace, it is almost a certainty you’ll learn information about the operational aspects of your organization you were unaware of before the assessment.
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Develop a Free Lone Worker Program for Small Teams

Developing a free lone worker check-in system is a simple process for small teams that any organization can implement.
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General Safety, Lone Worker Safety Services Admin General Safety, Lone Worker Safety Services Admin

Peace of Mind for Employers and Employees: Why Investing in SafetyLine Lone Worker is Worth It 

Every employee will face several occupational hazards in their work. However, the severity of risk and injury is significantly increased when the employee works alone, without help readily available if they experience an injury or emergency. What if we tell you that these lone workers can be protected, providing peace of mind to management that these people can get proper medical help in an emergency? The SafetyLine Lone Worker app solves that problem, providing

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Lone Worker Safety, General Safety Services Admin Lone Worker Safety, General Safety Services Admin

Best Practices for Managing Lone Worker Safety Protocols, Procedures, and Policies  

Lone worker safety is always evolving. Like other areas of occupational health and safety, lone worker safety changes with the times and new safety hazards and risks. To stay on top of your lone worker safety and ensure it’s moving forward, employers need to have solid lone worker safety protocols, policies and procedures in action, helping guide important safety steps to protect these people.

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General Safety, Lone Worker Safety Services Admin General Safety, Lone Worker Safety Services Admin

Podcast and Blog: Leveraging the Trends and Navigating the Challenges of Lone Worker Safety

Lone workers face unique safety challenges across various industries, including healthcare, agriculture, utilities, and social services to name a few. Working alone exposes individuals to specific occupational hazards that require careful attention and proactive measures. To ensure the well-being of lone workers, it is essential to understand the common challenges they encounter and implement effective strategies to enhance their safety.

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Lone Worker Safety, General Safety Services Admin Lone Worker Safety, General Safety Services Admin

Can I Refuse to Work Alone in Unsafe Working Conditions? 

Wherever we work, there are going to be occupational hazards that test our safety and security. It doesn’t matter if you’re working in a wastewater treatment plant or if you’re a home healthcare worker in a patient’s home – there will be safety hazards, big and small. But when you work alone, the risk of those safety hazards is elevated because there isn’t a coworker nearby to get or provide emergency aid if you get injured. “Lone working” can be defined as performing a task by yourself, without help readily available if you are in trouble.

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Lone Worker Safety, General Safety Services Admin Lone Worker Safety, General Safety Services Admin

Staying Compliant with Lone Worker Safety Legislation, Regulations, and Industry Standards - Part 2

Best practices for ensuring lone worker safety

In addition to staying on top of local safety legislation and regulations, there are a number of steps employers can take to make sure their lone workers are safe.

Communication and monitoring systems: The first best practice to ensure lone worker safety is to have effective communication and monitoring systems in place. It is essential that employers establish a system for workers to be able to communicate with others in case of an emergency……

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Lone Worker Safety, General Safety Services Admin Lone Worker Safety, General Safety Services Admin

Lone Worker Hazards in Water and Wastewater Treatment  

Working alone in the water and wastewater treatment industry comes with unique hazards, and employers are responsible for ensuring the health, safety, and well-being of their lone workers. However, solving the complicated issue of lone worker safety is sometimes easier said than done. This article will highlight the dangers lone workers face in this industry and how an automated lone worker solution can help.

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Staying Compliant with Lone Worker Safety Legislation, Regulations, and Industry Standards – Part 1

In the USA, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) does not have specific regulations for lone workers. However, OSHA requires employers to ensure a safe and healthy working environment for their employees, including those who work alone or in isolation (OSHA, 2022). Additionally, several US states have their own regulations that require employers to take specific steps to protect their lone workers.

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Lone Worker Safety, General Safety Services Admin Lone Worker Safety, General Safety Services Admin

The Role of Technology in Ensuring Lone Worker Safety

When you hear the term “lone worker” who do you picture in your head? Because they exist across all industries, lone workers have many different faces and work environments. No matter what industry, you are considered a lone worker when you perform your job in conditions where there are no people nearby and/or help is not easily accessible in an emergency.

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General Safety, Lone Worker Safety Services Admin General Safety, Lone Worker Safety Services Admin

Risk Mitigation Strategies: How to Plan for the Worst

Every safety manager and employer would love to have a way to predict workplace accidents before they hurt an employee. Unfortunately, that does not exist yet, however, the good news is there are risk mitigation strategies that can be implemented now, preventing many of these accidents from taking place and as a result, protecting your workers from injuries and harm.

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General Safety, Lone Worker Safety Services Admin General Safety, Lone Worker Safety Services Admin

A New Era of Personal Safety Devices on the Market

In a nutshell, these devices will protect an individual worker (or workers - in coordination with other devices) from certain safety hazards in the workplace and other environments and situations. Personal safety devices help employers protect their employees when mobile, employing various technologies to address a range of safety challenges in the workplace at the time. Personal safety devices include a broad group of technology that can include: 

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General Safety, Lone Worker Safety Services Admin General Safety, Lone Worker Safety Services Admin

Social Worker Safety: Keeping Safe While Working Alone

While society prizes those among us who put others first, it takes more than just empathy to be a successful social worker. Social workers combine active listening, knowledge of the rules, and positivity to succeed. But unlike other public service professions, along with health workers, paramedics, and firefighters, social workers can find themselves in harm’s way. They can, however, reduce their risk if they are prepared.

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Lone Worker Safety, General Safety Services Admin Lone Worker Safety, General Safety Services Admin

Automated Lone Worker Safety Check-ins via Smartphones: What Are the Benefits?

As we continue to live in an increasingly technological world, it can be tricky navigating the mass of information and the number of options for worker safety, such as phone-based apps, safety tags, wearables, etc. As you read further, you will learn about three common types of lone worker safety tools, hopefully making it easier for you to determine which system is best for your team and occupations' health and safety needs.

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Conducting a Lone Worker Needs Analysis

To find and document important safety details and information, you need to conduct a lone worker needs analysis, which will highlight and improve four primary areas including safety procedures, areas for improvement, opportunities that should be explored further, and holes in your lone worker safety program.

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Context is King – SafetyLine’s Visual Locator for its Lone Workers

SafetyLine users can now see a more effective visual locator of where lone workers are performing their jobs. This addresses a common and understandable misunderstanding of workers’ locations on the SafetyLine map. Monitors sometimes assume the location pin was accurate because the accuracy of the data wasn’t presented visually. Occasionally, there has been confusion around the fact that the map pin shows the lone worker at an incorrect location. This occurs because of issues caused by imperfections in general GPS location accuracy.

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Lone Worker Safety, General Safety Services Admin Lone Worker Safety, General Safety Services Admin

Work Alone Call Centers vs Automated Work Alone Solutions: The Pros and Cons

When a worker is experiencing an emergency, they need someone who they can reliably contact to get immediate help. One strategy being employed to address this issue is by creating internal call centers to monitor vulnerable and lone workers. What are a high-functioning and collaborative team, the call center is funded by the company budget or employed by company staff.

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