Featured Resources

Lone Worker Policy Guide and Template

A lone worker policy is an effective way to ensure that your lone workers are well-educated on your company’s work-alone rules and have extensive knowledge of all workplace hazards that could be encountered on the job.

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Hazard Assessment Guide

In the process of doing a hazard assessment for your workplace, it is almost a certainty you’ll learn information about the operational aspects of your organization you were unaware of before the assessment.
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Develop a Free Lone Worker Program for Small Teams

Developing a free lone worker check-in system is a simple process for small teams that any organization can implement.
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A Look at the Lone Worker Safety Landscape: SafetyLine’s 2023 Customer Survey Results

Conducted in April 2023, SafetyLine Lone Worker conducted a work safety survey, and the results are now available. More than 1,500 SafetyLine users completed the survey, including lone workers themselves, safety monitors, and administrators across a range of industries, including healthcare, water and electrical utilities, government services, hotels, and hospitality.

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Choosing the Right Lone Worker Safety Solution

As you will read below, SafetyLine provides a comprehensive suite of safety features that help mitigate lone worker safety challenges as well as a number of other hazards. This article will look at these valuable safety features and how they benefit lone workers, providing you with enough background information to make an informed decision when looking for safety solutions for your team.

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11 Benefits of SafetyLine for Ensuring Lone Worker Safety 

So what does that responsibility look like? It entails safety protocols and practices that keep people safe and keep the organization compliant with local OHS legislation and regulations. Effective safety practices include safety training, proper PPE as well as safety technology like lone worker safety apps such as SafetyLine Lone Worker. As you read more, you will learn the top 10 benefits of using SafetyLine to help protect your people who are working alone or in dangerous work environments. We will look at specific features of the lone worker safety app, how they can help protect your team members, as well as SafetyLine app benefits.

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Peace of Mind for Employers and Employees: Why Investing in SafetyLine Lone Worker is Worth It 

Every employee will face several occupational hazards in their work. However, the severity of risk and injury is significantly increased when the employee works alone, without help readily available if they experience an injury or emergency. What if we tell you that these lone workers can be protected, providing peace of mind to management that these people can get proper medical help in an emergency? The SafetyLine Lone Worker app solves that problem, providing

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Best Practices for Managing Lone Worker Safety Protocols, Procedures, and Policies  

Lone worker safety is always evolving. Like other areas of occupational health and safety, lone worker safety changes with the times and new safety hazards and risks. To stay on top of your lone worker safety and ensure it’s moving forward, employers need to have solid lone worker safety protocols, policies and procedures in action, helping guide important safety steps to protect these people.

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Podcast and Blog: Leveraging the Trends and Navigating the Challenges of Lone Worker Safety

Lone workers face unique safety challenges across various industries, including healthcare, agriculture, utilities, and social services to name a few. Working alone exposes individuals to specific occupational hazards that require careful attention and proactive measures. To ensure the well-being of lone workers, it is essential to understand the common challenges they encounter and implement effective strategies to enhance their safety.

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Can I Refuse to Work Alone in Unsafe Working Conditions? 

Wherever we work, there are going to be occupational hazards that test our safety and security. It doesn’t matter if you’re working in a wastewater treatment plant or if you’re a home healthcare worker in a patient’s home – there will be safety hazards, big and small. But when you work alone, the risk of those safety hazards is elevated because there isn’t a coworker nearby to get or provide emergency aid if you get injured. “Lone working” can be defined as performing a task by yourself, without help readily available if you are in trouble.

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Staying Connected to Your Safety Network: How to Register for Outage Notifications from Service Providers and SafetyLine

As a lone worker, your safety is of the utmost importance. You rely on your cellular, satellite, or internet service provider to stay connected to your safety resources, including SafetyLine Lone Worker. However, sometimes your cellular, satellite, or internet service providers may experience outages, leaving you vulnerable and disconnected from your safety network.

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Staying Compliant with Lone Worker Safety Legislation, Regulations, and Industry Standards - Part 2

Best practices for ensuring lone worker safety

In addition to staying on top of local safety legislation and regulations, there are a number of steps employers can take to make sure their lone workers are safe.

Communication and monitoring systems: The first best practice to ensure lone worker safety is to have effective communication and monitoring systems in place. It is essential that employers establish a system for workers to be able to communicate with others in case of an emergency……

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Lone Worker Hazards in Water and Wastewater Treatment  

Working alone in the water and wastewater treatment industry comes with unique hazards, and employers are responsible for ensuring the health, safety, and well-being of their lone workers. However, solving the complicated issue of lone worker safety is sometimes easier said than done. This article will highlight the dangers lone workers face in this industry and how an automated lone worker solution can help.

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Staying Compliant with Lone Worker Safety Legislation, Regulations, and Industry Standards – Part 1

In the USA, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) does not have specific regulations for lone workers. However, OSHA requires employers to ensure a safe and healthy working environment for their employees, including those who work alone or in isolation (OSHA, 2022). Additionally, several US states have their own regulations that require employers to take specific steps to protect their lone workers.

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The Role of Technology in Ensuring Lone Worker Safety

When you hear the term “lone worker” who do you picture in your head? Because they exist across all industries, lone workers have many different faces and work environments. No matter what industry, you are considered a lone worker when you perform your job in conditions where there are no people nearby and/or help is not easily accessible in an emergency.

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Making a Difference: Our December 2022 Season of Giving Donation Campaign Recap

As we reflect on the success of our December Season of Giving Donation campaign, we are filled with overwhelming gratitude for the outpouring of love and support we received. We are thrilled to share that our efforts will be making a positive impact in the lives of many as we donate $1,250 to four incredible non-profit organizations, including Canadian Mental Health Association - Sudbury/Manitoulin, Compassion House Foundation, BC Association of Pregnancy Outreach Programs, The Bridge Youth & Family Services Canada.

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Improved Productivity and Security: SafetyLine Now Offers Single Sign-on for Its Users 

With SSO, logging into SafetyLine is made more efficient by eliminating the need to enter your email and password every time. Instead, you can authenticate using a trusted Identity Provider, allowing you to access multiple web applications with just one email and password. SSO allows for logging in not only more securely, but easier for the employee as well, helping improve their productivity, and the security of the account, as well as more straightforward implementation and adoption of the lone worker safety solution.

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Happy Holidays From SafetyLine

You've almost finished 2022, and we hope you and your team members had a good year and everyone stayed safe – including your friends and family. Additionally, it's becoming our holiday tradition for SafteyLine staff to create Spotify playlists of their favorite holiday and Christmas songs and share them with our blog readers and newsletter subscribers.

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$5,000 of Donations for Non-profits and Charities That Matter to You!

We want to show our gratitude by giving back meaningfully this holiday season. Every year, Tsunami Solutions donates to charities. This year, we have set aside $5000; a portion of our donation fund to a registered charity, non-profit, or foundation of your choice is eligible to be nominated. This year we will randomly select four different non-profits to donate $1,250; nominate your favorite non-profit or charity by January 15, 2023.

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